Welcome to the
Wisconsin Black
Chamber of Commerce, Inc.
Our Mission:
To make Black Business the
Largest Employers of Black People
Chambers of Commerce (National Black, US Black)
Black Owned Banks (City First Federal Bank) more to come
Black Owned Investment Companies (Ariel Investments) more to come
Black Owned and Operated Hotels (nabhood.net)
Black Owned Rideshares (Women Ride Share | HERide | Atlanta)
Streaming Service - exploreustv.com
BuyBlackMainStreet https://www.buyblackmainstreet.com/
Buy From A Black Woman https://www.buyfromablackwoman.org
Black Woman Owned (this is an advertising option, not a guide) https://blackwomanowned.co/
Official Black Wall Street App https://obws.com/
Naspora - We Buy Black https://naspora.com/
Black Nile https://www.blacknile.co/
Black Art Expo https://www.theblackartexpo.com/downbythebae
Healthy Hair Starter Kit | Essentials for Healthy Hair Routine
Upcoming Bootcamps & Events
Our Mission: Make Black Business the
Largest Employers of Black People!
We believe that in our community, we deserve the same standard of living that others enjoy!​
Employment Opportunities
Technical Assistance Workshops
Grant Writing
How to market
Home Buying & Real Estate Workshops
7 Annual Events
Monthly Workshops
More than 500 active businesses
3 Corporate Partners
1 Bankers Roundtable Member(s)
New Business Start Up
2021 - 2022
Business Receiving
Technical Assistance
2021 - 2022
Business Receiving
Capacity Building
20 corporate partners
15 initiatives a year
Upcoming Events
Upcoming Events
Find a list of grants and loans available for Small businesses and Nonprofits.
Small Business Grants
Grant information is updated as it comes to the Chamber.
Justice 40
Press Release: Biden-Harris Administration Launches Recompete Pilot Program Funding Opportunity
Press Release (Spanish): Lanzamiento de la administración Biden-Harris Oportunidad de Financiamiento del Programa Piloto Recompete (Volver a Competir)
Program Overviews:
Fact Sheet: Recompete Pilot Program
Fact Sheet (Spanish): Recompete Pilot Program
Key News Coverage:
Business Insider: Your city could get millions to create jobs under a new Biden plan to put Americans back to work (Insider.com)
Nexstar national news syndication: Commerce Department launches pilot program to bolster jobs, distressed economies | PIX11
Social Media:
Secretary Raimondo: https://twitter.com/SecRaimondo/status/1674508948739874817?s=20
Applicant Essentials
Application Checklist (PDF)
Recompete Pilot Program FAQs - (As of 7/13/2023)
Application Documents (ZIP) (to be submitted via EDGE Portal)
Applicant Templates (Highly Recommended)
Applicant Guides and Videos
Fact Sheet: Recompete Pilot Program (PDF) - (As of 6/29/2023)
Fact Sheet (Spanish): Recompete Pilot Program (PDF)
SLIDES: Recompete NOFO Program Overview Public Webinar Slides (PDF)
VIDEO: How to: Determine Eligibility from the REMT for your Application
Press Release: Biden-Harris Administration Launches Recompete Pilot Program Funding Opportunity
Press Release: Lanzamiento de la administración Biden-Harris Oportunidad de Financiamiento del Programa Piloto Recompete (Volver a Competir)
Press Release: U.S. Department of Commerce Seeks Public Input on New Recompete Pilot Program That Supercharges Communities with High Unemployment
Other Resources
FHL Bank Chicago
List of SBA Lenders in Wisconsin
Business law assistance program for small businesses
Services: Eligible participants can receive brief assistance on a wide variety of business law matters including:
Finance and lending
Insurance claims/coverage
Commercial leases and contracts
Labor and employment
Real estate
Commercial debtor/creditor
Regulatory compliance, including privacy and COVID-19 related requirements
Technical Assistance Workshop(s)
First Saturday 's @ Chase Bank - 10am - 12pm
Second Saturday's w/ BMO Harris Bank -1pm- 3pm
Our Technical Assistance workshops take place the first and second Saturday's of every month.
Register on our events page!
Diverse Business Assistance Grant Program
The $37.5 million Diverse Business Assistance Grant Program will provide support to ethnic and diverse chambers of commerce and other collaboratives that provide technical assistance and services to businesses that have historically had limited access to capital and are owned by members of communities disproportionately affected by the coronavirus pandemic.
Diverse Business Investment Grant Program
The Diverse Business Investment Grant Program will provide an additional $37.5 million to community development financial institutions (CDFIs), for grants to small and micro-businesses that are owned by members of communities that historically have had limited access to capital and those that were disproportionately impacted by the pandemic.

Our Partners



Making Connections that count!

Making Connections that count!

Making Connections that count!

Making Connections that count!

Making Connections that count!

Making Connections that count!

Making Connections that count!

Making Connections that count!

Making Connections that count!
In The News
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