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  • Because the Black business community needs a controlling philosophy by which black communities will achieve greater self-sufficiency and because Black-owned businesses are key to the success of this movement. 

  • Because the Black business community has a need to offer Black people new ways of seeing, thinking and behaving in all areas of business. 

  • Because the Black business community needs a self-empowerment plan that presents new strategies for black Milwaukee’s intellectual, economic, and civic development. 

  • Because the Black business community must have a plan to alter certain unacceptable behaviors among blacks towards one another. 

  • Because the plan must be exclusive and call for a broad range of economic strategies to improve conditions within the Black business community, including the establishment of commitments and covenants to the community of Black business within the network.



-Dr. Claude Anderson

1. Unity

We call, first, for the unity amongst Black peoples and organizations. We call for unity amongst all African peoples and peoples of African descent worldwide. We call for unity with our Brown, Red, disenfranchised and oppressed Brothers and Sisters in America, Caribbean, Central and South America, Asia and all over the world. “The Power of One” is the synthesis of men, women, youth and elders working in unity for our total liberation.

2. Spiritual Values

We call for Atonement, Reconciliation and Responsibility. We organize in the name of our God (The One Creator) and on sound ethical, moral principles and values. Our Movement affirms the rich legacy and diversity of our spiritual traditions and calls for unity and understanding among our religious faiths and spiritual traditions.

3. Education

We demand an end to substandard education in our community. The Black People's Public Policy Forum advocates, and will develop, a new, independent educational paradigm for our people. We must have a knowledge of self, our history, and the best education in civilized society. We will build a skills bank, the talent of which will be used in the development of our people.

4. Economic Development

We will establish a Black Economic Development Fund, with the support of millions, to aid in building an economic infrastructure. We will also offer housing ownership opportunities to check the adverse tide of gentrification. The Black People's Public Policy Forum will produce and distribute its own products and supports “Buy Black” campaigns.

5. Political Power

The Black People's Public Policy Forum is the political voice of the poor and disenfranchised. We are resolved to take an independent political path in order to achieve political power. The Black People's Public Policy Forum will be an organized political force of consequence in America and all over the world.

6. Reparations

We demand full and complete Reparations for the descendants of slaves. We demand that America take the appropriate steps to help in the repair of the damage done from 300 years of slavery, 100 years of segregation, and 50 years of the misuse and abuse of governmental power to destroy Black organizations and leaders.

7. Prison Industrial Complex

We demand freedom for all political prisoners held in U.S. prisons and detention facilities, both foreign and domestic. We demand an end to police brutality, mob attacks, racial profiling, the herding of our young men and women into prisons and the biological and chemical warfare perpetrated against our people.

8. Health

We demand an end to the lack of adequate health care in our community and we demand free health care for the descendants of slaves in this nation. The Millions More Movement will present a Preventive Health Care Plan to our people that will begin with a campaign to educate our people on healthy dietary, eating and exercise habits.

9. Artistic/ Cultural Development

We demand a greater accountability and responsibility of our artists, entertainers, industry personnel and executives, for them to commit to the redevelopment and upliftment of our people. We demand an end to the exploitation of our talent by outside forces. We will make strides in obtaining greater control over the means of production and distribution of our immense artistic talent and creative genius. We advocate for cultural development, and for the knowledge of our original culture to be used as a model for future advancement.

10. Peace

We call for the establishment of peace in the world. We demand an end to wars of foreign aggression waged by the United States Government against other sovereign nations and peoples. We demand an end to senseless violence, and advocate peace amongst street organizations (gangs) and youth.

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2900 W. Vliet Street

Milwaukee, WI 53208


(414) 306-6460


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